Invest in renewable energy and boost your bottom line

Investing in renewable energy not only advances global sustainability goals but also provides financial incentives for your business. Explore how renewable energy projects can drive meaningful impact for your company’s decarbonization strategy and the planet. 

As public interest in climate action accelerates, enterprises and government bodies are being called to act urgently. Stakeholders—potential clients, partners, and investors—are increasingly choosing to work with businesses committed to decarbonization and aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a local and global scale.  

The renewable energy market offers pathways for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and building sustainable infrastructure. This demand includes technologies like wind, solar, and hydro power, as well as installations that produce renewable gases like hydrogen. 

Financing renewable energy projects helps reduce the cost of renewable energy over time. It also gives companies the opportunity to align with global climate frameworks and advance their corporate social responsibility strategy, like hitting 2030 or 2050 net zero targets. 

Purchasing Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) is a viable way to certify and contribute to the growth of renewable power. EACs verify the generation of one megawatt hour (MWh) from an eligible renewable source that is supplied to the grid. When you purchase EACs, you reduce your Scope 2 emissions, are able to claim the environmental benefits, and show financial commitment to electricity generation that leaves less of a carbon footprint. 

EAC products include Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) in North America, Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) in the EU, and International RECs (I-RECs) across the world.  

When you support renewable energy projects and sources, you gain more control over the origin of the energy your company purchases. You can even commit to longer term renewable energy purchasing through products like Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).  

This type of contract can give you: 

  • More assurance that the type of renewable energy credit you’d like to purchase will be available in the right geography. 

  • Oversight of the project to ensure you generate verified carbon credits for your own use and for sale. 

  • Better insight into the future of your carbon credit purchases.  

For example, say your company would like to purchase a certain number of RECs on an annual basis that come from a wind farm in the region where your factory is located. There may already be a wind farm there that contributes renewable energy to the grid, but the parameters of their energy production may not fit your requirements.  

By funding this type of project and entering into a PPA, you can ensure that you know where your renewable energy credits are coming from and guarantee the supply and price of available credits.  

According to a June 2024 survey by the Pew Research Center, 69% of Americans support using a mix of energy sources, including renewables and fossil fuels, while 29% advocate for phasing out fossil fuels entirely. This public opinion aligns with global frameworks like the Paris Agreement, emphasizing the urgency for climate action. 

Because popular opinion is in favor of environmental stewardship, an investment in renewable energy is also an investment in your company’s reputation for years to come. Contact our team today to explore tailored solutions that can get you closer to your decarbonization goals and position you as a leader in sustainability.