Innovators. Leaders. Partners. We are ACT.

Get to know ACT

We're committed to continuously improving the integrity and transparency of environmental solutions and work to improve industry standards and best practices. We share our expertise as members and partners of globally recognized standards, as well as accreditation and certification bodies. Our dedication to ethical business practices, human rights, and sustainability ensures that our every action aligns with our core values while advancing global industry standards.

“We started in commodities trading but the sustainability landscape has evolved and the needs of our clients became more extensive. Over the years we’ve transformed into a full solutions provider, so we cover every step of the environmental journey. We saw an opportunity, we understood the demand from our clients, and as a result, we built ACT into what it is today.”

Enabled 9000+ customers worldwide to achieve their climate goals.

Helped our clients mitigate 8 MtCO2e emissions in 2023.

Sourced 169 TWh of renewable and alternative energy for our clients in 2023.

With 500+ experts in seven global offices, we navigate every market at local, national, and international levels to support your sustainability goals.

ACT on your climate ambitions now

Contact your office of choice or reach out directly to our experts.